Comment 100190

By JayRobb (registered) | Posted April 11, 2014 at 00:10:16

Great comments and ideas. Really liked Stephen Barath's "drive like your kids play on this street" message. And thanks to mikeonthemountain for registering

Agree that we should pull a working group together. My email's Pretty sure I can find us a place to meet at Mohawk.

A local marketing agency willing to do some pro bono work would be ideal, along with a graphic / web designer. Think that the concept and messaging will need to be taken for test drive to see how they'd go over with Joe and Jane Hamilton.

Also, someone with strong project management skills (definitely not my strength) who can map out a critical path.

I can help on the comms end of things, including media relations.

It's easy to come up with ideas. Executing those ideas is something else altogether.

But I've found that when you bring a group together, some pretty cool things can happen.

This needs to be a grassroots campaign that everyone can own and no takes the credit for.

Onwards and upwards.

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