Comment 100698

By notlloyd (registered) - website | Posted April 28, 2014 at 23:17:49 in reply to Comment 100674

Chicken and egg though. Many people do not ride because it is simply too dangerous. If there were more safe bike routes, more people would ride.

Our highways are getting far too crowded which calls out for more highways, more rapid rail transit etc. etc... But in communities where travel by bike could make a lot of sense, it doesn't make sense because the infrastructure has never been built. If the graders and pavers are on the road, there is no reason other than being overly cheap that at the very least safe dedicated shoulders are not added to the side of a highway or bike lanes are built dedicated to cyclists.

I ride a lot in NY where you can ride along most State highways very safely because there are wide and safe shoulders whereas you rarely find that in Ontario. I have a car, as does my wife. We both work and pay a ton of income tax and all the sundry car taxes and property taxes, etc. etc. Tell me why some of my taxes can't be spent to fund very basic safe bicycle routes.

Your argument assumes a zero sum game. It is not either or - but a wiser expenditure that is asked for.

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