Comment 103862

By jason (registered) | Posted August 10, 2014 at 16:53:30 in reply to Comment 103860

I truly believe that we are seeing these small but vocal backlashes against every single development for a few reasons, all stemming from one main reason: 40 years with no urban development.

This has led to a real lack of understanding on how new residents can and should be added to our once dying lower city. People are mostly scared of change by nature. And then that fear is stoked by a few who share horror stories of 60 storey concrete towers landing next to their cute home. It's always the same thing: - height - property values

Height is a complete non-issue at 6 floors. But for the rest of the projects that get criticized for their height and what it will do to property values, one only needs to look at Ottawa, TO, Vancouver and any other successful urban city to see if igher densities increase or decrease values. It should be noted that Hamiltons lower city saw its property values steadily drop compared to the rest of the city as the population shrank through the 70s-90s. If the view of a condo in a neighbourhood equals a drop in value and quality of life, please explain Vancouver. More people=more eyes on the street=more local commerce=more folks walking and spending money locally=more investment=safer streets=higher property values and quality of neighbourhood life.

Comment edited by jason on 2014-08-10 16:54:49

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