Comment 106218

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted November 14, 2014 at 10:26:05 in reply to Comment 106215

I said "apparently". As far as anyone knows, there are no plans and Joey Coleman states no site plans have been received by the City.

Vranich has recently started construction on his Main/Bay properties, but that was after about nine years of leaving them vacant and being cited for fire violations for storing old mattresses and other material in the old Federal Building since purchasing the building from the Federal Government in 2004.

According to the Spec he also operated an illegal parking lot on the site of the demolished HMP building adjacent to George street for several years until eventually stopped by the city.

He intended to entirely demolish the Federal building until the Federal Government stepped in an enforced the non-demolition covenant he signed when he bought the building.
His development record is mixed in this regard and I sincerely hope that he has good plans for Mount St Joseph, but no one has seen any indication. Surely, it makes sense to wait to demolish until you have actual plans!

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2014-11-14 10:31:29

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