Comment 108180

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted January 22, 2015 at 12:39:48 in reply to Comment 108179

You already posted this same comment on another article.

Councillors needed to hear clearly that those in attendance strongly opposed what they were saying and doing.

Their actions both before and during the meeting were extremely disrespectful of those who took the time and effort to become engaged in the process. Many of those Councillors made up their minds weeks ago, before the staff report, before the 1000 strong petition by transit users, before the 100 supporters of the bus lane took two or three hours out of their day to attend the meeting. A councillor even claimed staff were biased and manipulating results to get the result they wanted. Compared to these forms of disrespect, shouting in protest at a public meeting is nothing.

This is democracy. In a democracy citizens do not just sit silently as an audience watching others decide their fate. They participate and, if they are outraged, they have a duty to make that outrage known directly to those they have elected.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2015-01-22 12:49:58

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