Comment 111267

By higgicd (registered) | Posted April 29, 2015 at 22:10:17 in reply to Comment 111266

Personally speaking I've never understood the fascination with the Stoney Creek GO connection, or even Niagara for that matter. Is it just the psychological comfort? How many people actually want to travel 1.25 to 1.5 hours to work one-way to Toronto? Or to another stop and then bus to work, because most GO stations outside the core are just parking lots. There will always be a few, but where's the value for money. Even regular commuting to downtown TO from existing Hamilton stations is a long haul. I think the only reason the W5 councillor wants it so bad is its a softball project to help him get re-elected for another 4 years. Gets to look like he supports transit while actually harming the prospects for projects with much stronger business and use cases.

Comment edited by higgicd on 2015-04-29 22:13:05

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