Comment 12655

By Genghis (anonymous) | Posted October 08, 2007 at 13:08:30

I see the usual calls for welfare reform are posted yet I dont see any proposals for the cost side of the personal balance sheet.

I do agree that if those with no hope of integrating into the workforce because of health /disability /Mental illness need to have adeduate income from the State.This is a duty as a compassionate society.

However, unless you want to discuss openly the Reality nothing will ever change for those perfectly healthy, but unemployed for various reasons and chewing up welfare resources for those that need it.In a market economy,if something is free, everyone will line up for it.

I truly think those that need more safty net deserve it, but I wonder for example how far the single mom( ..with 2 different fathers ..yes is a reality at times) will go to help there own lot in life?Or The single male 20-35 recklessly fathering kids and disgregarding his personal responsibility to himself and those around him( including the Welfare state ie you and me.. expected to support his ventures)

I do not judge families in these situations, but I do ask that they take responsibility for them.Everyone..EVERYONE makes mistakes and no one is guaranteed the best lot in life.I do not have it(nor do I want it) nor do others.

Do you think in the above examples that in order to receive more money, that certian " social contracts" with the individuals would be desirable to bring them into "Citizen" status such as:

1)If on complete welfare with no chance of re employment because of lack of skill set,the State should be allowed to dictate where that person lives( ie someone less expensive, where there is actual work?)

example, how many people are in this category who live in some of the most expensive cities in Canada..Toronto, Vancouver, etc.I cant even live in Toronto and I am upper middle class income.

2)The State should provide mandatory counselling on Social repsonsibility and personal Ethics?This is tought in the classroom and hopefully from responsible parents, but while moving in,I have seen an unending stream of teenage single moms pushing prams around East Hamilton since I moved here..during the work week and business hours.

In return

1)The State would provide free moving costs to get into area with greaster potential for employment out of economically depressed area.Either move where there is employment or get the jobs to the area via investment.I have to move when work drys up, why not those on Welfare?

2)The State would provide more money to help get that person/family ahead with some forced savings on their behalf.Free financial counselling on how to manage money etc.

3) The State would provide free skills training in a chosen area beneficial to the labour market or society.

3) Provide a social saftey net income/indexed to goals met to improve overall financial wellbeing.

These are just some examples.. yes some drastic,but endless handouts simply enable capable yet unwilling persons to make no changes.You cannot say they do not exist becuase they do.Nor do I believe that all on Welfare are layabouts.

I would like to hear if anyone agrees that personal responsibility is also required on behalf of the individual.Open ended increased welfare is not the answer.

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