Comment 14562

By highwater (registered) | Posted November 26, 2007 at 12:59:20

Humanist, thy name is ingrate! It is precisely because of the Kleins of this world who won't let us forget, that we have been able to 'correct' ourselves for the greater good. I certainly hope capitalism and corporatism are not 'symbiotically related'. If they are, then so are corporatism and fascism, as one is simply the extreme form of the other. In any case, it is precisely the Thatcher/Harris/Bush form of 'capitalism' (ie. corporatism) that Klein rails against. You and she appear to be on the same side. If you had been at her talk, you also would have heard her criticize the authoritarian direction that Chavez has been going in lately, as well as the left's unfortunate tendencies to blindly defend the Chavezes of this world.

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