Comment 25586

By Outcast Shocker (anonymous) | Posted June 18, 2008 at 12:28:18

But Trolls taste so much better when all plump and juicy!
. . . sorry.

Though the arguments that congestion and pollution are valid, I don't think they should stop the development of further public tansit. All that needs to be done is make the suburbia unliveable. Get a few marauding gangs to set up shop all over those "pristine" neighbourhoods and force the delluded families back in to the actual city. Then tear down those ugly homes (read: gang hideouts) and revert it back to farmland. We're going to need the extra grain.
Sure, sure. You may say: "people weren't meant to live in cramped little boxes built on top of one another". Weeeellllllll . . . too late! We've already seriously screwed ourselves through overpopulation and overcommercialization. Unless you want to support my other Final Solution and convert a high percentile of human beings in to a vast food source . . .

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