Comment 26814

By livingindubai (anonymous) | Posted October 03, 2008 at 05:26:25

Definition of a 'slave' from Meriam-Webster:

1 : a person held in servitude as the chattel of another
2 : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence

None of these conditinos apply to *anyone* living in Dubai. People come here for work, this is the promised land where they can make 10 times more than what they would make back in their home countries. No one is forcing anyone to come here. No government or government-affiliated agency goes to countries around the world to take people by force and bring them to work. THAT is how slavery works, and thats exactly what does NOT happen in Dubai.

There are police stations all over the city here where a woman can go to if she absconds from her employer. if she fears the police station (which, by comparing their treatment and professinality with those of Canada where I lived before, are MUCH better), they can go to their country's consulate. there is always a way for someone to get help; its not true to say that once they are in here, they are stuck. The money they make, howevr, is so much that it makes them think twice before escaping.

"In a country measuring only forty miles by forty miles and containing only one city, it is farcical to suggest that the brothels and the sex slaves have somehow escaped the notice of the Emir's government" <==== Dubai is actually much, much bigger than that. and its not a Country, it is an 'emirate'; as in, a province or a state, part of a federal union that contains 6 other Emirates, each operating independantly in some ways, and cooperatively in other. get the basic facts right before you write.

"The article does not mention the rampant inflation, skyrocketing rents etc. that force people to borrow heavily. Then they cannot repay. Consequently the suicide rate in Dubai is shooting up" <=== hahahhaha!!!! If you cannot afford to live in dubai, go back to where you came from! You dont have to suffer, you dont have to commit suicide, u dont have to pay exorbrent rent prices and deal with skyrocketing inflation; just pack up and go home!! submit your resignation from your company, and either you are 1) driven to the airport and given ur passport and a nice End of Service package, or 2) you already have your passport, so all you will need is to get the End of Service package and you are out!!! no pain, no suffering, no slavery, no bs!

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