Comment 27584

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted November 29, 2008 at 17:24:15

Mr Bratina: Thanks for your views. I kind of agree with what you are saying for the most part. With the City Center acting as City Hall, it does get those workers downtown.

The media always reports the negative things about downtown but not the positive things. There are many interesting things to see and go to. One of my favorite spots is Skydragon, as it is a great meeting place, for like minded people.

The Art Crawl is another thing that is gaining visitors from outside downtown, the arts and creative people need to be recognized.

It would be great if we could have an open market concept where farmers, crafters, art, music can meet, where people can go an have a good time at a reasonable cost. Get the people involved, have open forums, a meeting of the minds so to speak where all sorts of people across the city can come together and brainstorm.

I also think that people should know about the labour history of Hamilton, it would be great to bring back the pride of the working people, to let them know that what they do is important to the bettering of this city.

I think we need to get beyond the view that those that struggle in poverty or the working poor do not have something of value to add to the community as a whole. We are all people facing an un certain future, better to have solidarity then division.

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