Comment 29169

By Mike B. (anonymous) | Posted February 27, 2009 at 11:08:52

JonC wrote:

I posted this elsewhere, but I think requiring the audit if you aren't going to force action to remediate the issues is pointless.

I think the points Adrian makes in his article would be more valid if this situation were the case (luckily it isn't). Not everyone is going to have the funds necessary to remidiate an inefficient house, and in some neighbourhoods, it would be incredibly unfair to force homeowners to spend thousands retrofitting their houses when they know they cannot possibly recoup the expense. As grahamm said, If a homeowner has to make improvements to their house in order for it to be attractive to buyers, then so be it. But you can't force it on people in one fell swoop. I'm not a market fundamentalist, but here is a case where 'the market' should work quite well.

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