Comment 31286

By What is the truth? (anonymous) | Posted May 25, 2009 at 20:40:56

Jason writes: we'll continue to repeat the process for the foreseeable future since our governments are so antiquated and are doing nothing to change the way our society and economy functions.

You got that right, despite all the written words, media and all, what really has changed, nothing. Some people may have to travel long distances just for work, be paid low wages and then if the gas keeps going up, then they will not be able to afford even to go to work.

It's not like we have seen any great movement in creating jobs here in Hamilton, that actually pay a living wage or provide benefits for the masses.

But they sure do have a very oppresive systemm in place for those who have lost work, for those workers that cannot access EI and forced onto Ontario Works.

I mean think about it, if they, a worker from Ontario Works/Employment Councillor places you into a job placement and if the worker gets hurt on the job, they represent the employer in issues of WSIB and not the worker, they have placed, does that really make sense? Who is actually standing up for the workers, I guess nobody, really.

But I guess they have to justify their over $30.00 per hour wage and we wonder why the city has no money, taxes are high and why they lay blame on the working poor.

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