Comment 35302

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted November 11, 2009 at 22:39:11

seancb >> They share more with LRT than they do with older streetcar system in terms of functionality and service.

All light rail transit is the same. It runs on electricity, travels on rails and is above ground. The only difference between the old and the new vehicles is that the new ones 'look" more stylish.

Fifty years ago, the new trains on the Green Line looked new as well. Yet, it still didn't stop Boston's population from declining and it's tax rates from being over 2%.

You don't like hearing this, because it weakens your theory that LRT increases investment. You also fail to recognize the fact that Portland and Boston have introduced property tax caps, even though they both enjoy LRT.

If LRT is so effective at increasing assessments and bringing tax rates down, why would these areas need a property tax cap?

Furthermore, if you want Hamilton to be more like Portland and/or Boston, why just cherry pick the LRT side of the equation and not also the property tax cap? If you go for the tax cap, I would be more than happy to go along with the LRT.

What do you say, can we meet half way?

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