Comment 35413

By jason (registered) | Posted November 13, 2009 at 12:37:01

so is the suggestion that a football team that was formed in 1869 as the Hamilton Tigers can just up and move and be renamed the Aldershot TigerCats just so some company can make some extra money slapping their name on the stadium for 5 years. Get ready for the new era in stadiums once this thing is built. It'll be like when you're in Boston trying to find the hockey arena and the highway signs still direct you to the Fleet Center (that was 3 names ago).

Furthermore, look at the big picture. Our harbourfront is gorgeous. Once it's fully redeveloped there will be millions of people down there each year. The new stadium can easily brand a presence on the QEW if it wants with a really sweet logo (ahem, TreyS) and good signage.
The TV coverage alone at the west harbour will far outmatch any other locale in Hamilton. Those TSN choppers and cameramen will love showing off this thing against the beautiful harbour backdrop.

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