Comment 38245

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted February 19, 2010 at 22:23:07

Jason: I know that you mean well and the community faces many challenges but there are other views out there. As real estate or rents increase, the poor can be displaced if there are no replacement units and we do know that waiting lists for social housing are long, people can wait ten years. And social housing is not the answer either when we know that City Housing is one of the worst landlords in the city. Hamilton is not as bad a Torontos social housing but do we really want to go down that path where people are dying or evicted out of their homes like Mr Al Gosling and left to die in the streets.

The point of the lecture or discussion was to bring into the light that all the voices need to be at the table, which includes those from the low income, the working class, those who other ideas.

You are right that other areas should not dump their problems on Hamilton but that is the system, the government that is allowing that to happen.

Anyways, good sources say the the poverty levels are increasing over there in the Halton area, even though it is not really talked about in MSM and I would suspect that it will get worse not better.

Everyone deserves the right to live in this city, even though so people do not like certain segments of the population. It should be about community, not division.

One panelist critiqued the vision brought forward by Richard Florida and the creative class which was interesting to hear.

Comment edited by grassroots are the way forward on 2010-02-19 21:25:23

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