Comment 39737

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted April 13, 2010 at 15:41:23

Our welfare system is the worst of all worlds. I would love to know how much they spend on enforcement compared to what they that saves them. I believe the system was designed and is run by a group of people who have no clue about life on a low income. I was not surprised that Harris butchered our welfare system, but I am surprised that nobody in the intervening years has stepped up to bring about some positive change. I believe that the province and the national governments need to get involved. The problem is simply to expensive for the municipal tax base to deal with alone.

Zookeeper - maybe it's the other way round. Perhaps doing crack reduces your life expectancy by 21 years and makes you poor. If someone is addicted to crack (or other serious drugs) then there is a high likelihood that they are also addicted to tobacco. Addictive personalities often lead to multiple addictions.

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