Comment 41483

By michaelcumming (registered) - website | Posted June 02, 2010 at 15:21:41

I wish someone would write in here and say 'I am a lawyer and this is how it works.' Alas, I too am not a lawyer and have little grasp of libel law.

But, I tend to agree with grassroot's comment: "What Mahesh wrote may not be considered by some as fair play but he did speak the truth that goes unspoken in this community, just as other voices who try to speak are ridiculed and put down."

What Dreschel wrote tends to give the impression that those who run for public office must first be vetted by the self-appointed arbiters of public discourse in the MSM. This I find anti-democratic and profoundly disappointing. This effectively means that 99% of the people you meet who might make really good majors are discouraged - with good reason - from putting their names forward.

There are obviously lots of constituents in this city (e.g. new immigrants, First Nations peoples, the poor, dwellers of the lower city) whose voices are totally ignored in our political processes. There are lots of innovative ideas to be gained from listening to such marginalized voices.

Surely, what Hamilton is new ideas. One thing you can say about Mahesh is that he does have lots of new ideas. He should not be marginalized and ridiculed by journalists treating their column as a bully pulpit.

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