Comment 41502

By grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted June 02, 2010 at 19:42:09

Oh please: a victim, well maybe but one does have to look at things in their perspective. Mahesh acknowledged that he spend half an hour or more of his time engaging in whatever process Mr Dreschel was asking him of. What is disappointing, is that Mr Dreschel, toted the old boys network and completely disrepected him by his lame comments.

There is so much more that Mr Dreschel could of debated about Maheshs abilities or lack of experience, but he just wrote him off, like he was yesterdays garbage. In my eyes, NOT COOL AT ALL.

The people in this city are looking for change, for a leader that will be a strong voice for all the people not just a select few.

I respect Mahesh because he acknowledges that all the people need to be heard and respected, he has a understanding that is more profound.

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