Comment 43515

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted July 16, 2010 at 13:54:06

Chad took an option (Confed Park) off the table

While I don't know much about Chad's creditability is with regards to making decisions that are genuinely right for the city and those he represents, Confederation Park is a lousy location. There is freakin' nothing out there. Can't walk there, never taken a bus there, are there any tracks near there? I guess I could ride a bike down there from where I live, and I guess Woodward, Easport wouldn't be terrible to bike down, but really.

Still, the only thing better about Confedaration Park over EM, is the view and surrounding area. Okay, accessibility is there for cars once again, but I don't consider that a better thing.

As I have said in an earlier post, let's give this tree-hugging thing a go because if there is one thing I know for sure, it's damn hot out there and our world is going to haiti in a handbasket very soon if we don't park our cars, get on an LRT line, and find other ways to create jobs other than making steel and other air polutting type occupations.

You know, people every day who don't envy my 1 1/2 bus/GO ride to Burlington every day, are constantly saying 'why don't you get yourself a cheap car. That must suck.'

First, I can't afford one so it's not an option.

Second, if you like to read, write, listen to music, people watch, sleep, relax, meet new people, dream, the time goes by pretty quickly. Our transit system still needs a lot of work as it shouldn't take me that long to get to work, but it's not bad once you figure it out. I think once people started taking transit to a stadium and got good at it, they would be like me last night out having a couple of beers realizing, 'Hey. I didn't drive. I can have a couple of more drinks.'

If you have ever read The Artists Way, my daily commute is like an 'Artist Date'. It is my down time. My time with myself. There are so many benefits to taking public transit, and I think we could sell that if the stadium was put (or remained), in a community setting.

One thing I will agree on though, is that if a game is on a Sunday when most buses are like every hour, that needs to change to every so many minutes from 3 hours before a game, to three hours after to encourage the use and accessibility of transit.

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