Comment 46223

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted August 25, 2010 at 09:30:47

There are folks in my neighbourhood who grow more food per square inch than I can believe. I often just stop in awe when I walk by their gardens.

It's simple, but it isn't easy. It takes years of planning and practice. Might as well get that in now when pepper plants and corn stalks are just as much ornamental as they are part of our subsistence.

One fruit tree can put out hundreds of pounds of food in a year. That means that 5000 or so new trees could translate into a million or so pounds of apples, cherries and pears down the line. And then there's nuts, wood, and fertilizer-bearing trees. And that's really not a lot of trees, considering what we regularly clearcut for highways and the like.

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