Comment 46281

By JeffTessier (anonymous) | Posted August 25, 2010 at 20:23:08

Thinking on Jon's comment ...

This is a bit of an aside, but what does this city have against parking garages? I can only think of a couple in the entire city. What is the reasoning behind this assumption that a space twelve feet long, 7 feet wide, and, say, 100 feet high can only be used to park a single car sitting under the sky, rather than 6 or 7 cars in a garage?

It seems that this would go a long way toward answering many of the parking issues that have been raised in the course of trying to figure where to put the stadium. Maybe there is a good reason I'm just not aware of.

The downtown core of city I'm from - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - is filled with parking garages, which are completely filled each work day by people who work in the core but don't live downtown or even in the city. Kind of like Hamilton, except that here we offer them acres and acres of surface lots rather than a few strategically placed garages. And as Harrisburg was putting up more and more parking garages in the late eighties, there was a huge surge in commercial and residential development happening at the same time. It seems like a very efficient and minimally-damaging solution to a genuine problem faced by cities as they try to develop their downtowns. Not here, though.

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