Comment 48302

By Paul (registered) | Posted September 27, 2010 at 11:39:03


It's actually not so hard and there are ways to get what is needed online because there is almost nothing on this particular project. I am not talking the entire restoration but the removal of Farr Island. The Port Authority has sent me what they have and has told me there are no others. True there have been studies on birds and even Farr Island, but none that I have seen that scientifically promote destroying habitat. And make no mistake, it is the Port Authority pushing ahead financed by Arcelor Mittel. So again, I would be fine being proven wrong but that is done with facts not supposition about the possibility of some report somewhere that you may have read years ago.

Smarter than this

Cormorants are a native species and Alewife are not. Cormorants have a longer history than you think. Where is this a hunting issue for this to be anti-hunting,anti-fishing? This is about habitat destruction. but then again, some of the most fervent opponents of cormorants are hunters and anglers who do not appear to let well proven scientific facts get in the way of thair opinion Is this you? How are tthe cormorants harming fish biodiversity? If you read my article you would see there are commercial interests who find cormorants to be helping. There is nothing here opposing helping fish but shoals can be created without losing the island. The loss of habitat not only harms cormorants but puts pressure on other species as they compete for remaining local habitat. So if there are any concerns about local habitat there should be concerns about this event.

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