Comment 48541

By Meredith (registered) - website | Posted September 30, 2010 at 22:53:38

Woman-up, man-up... get ballsy.. get... ovarian? lol. funny how some of the phrases are a bit one-sided,

Clearly, a lot of the topics in urban revitalization have a bit of a "dudes-only" thing to them. e.g. it's cool a lot of guys bike and stuff, but I bet your ladies drive the kids around in the ve-hic-oh and get your groceries with it (not that it's a bad thing or that there's any other option, just an observation that it's easier for single, strong people to bike places). And I understand that - our infrastructure is terrifying to take kids around in anything but a car most of the time.

But I'm not running for office and being part of any type of political solution, am I?

And that's simply because I've said things too dumb/un-nuanced to not catch up with me (I think I'd get slaughtered over saying that downtown needs more people with more money than me, and not to concentrate poverty in the epicentre of the city, a la grassroots' angry comments/reactions). But also because I haven't lived here long enough to have real cred.

I think Jarod and myself are the only husband-wife commenting tag team on RTH, which is kind of funny, but I understand.. not a lot of people both have strong opinions AND express them on the same forum.

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