Comment 53559

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted December 22, 2010 at 13:54:22

I don't think not turning a profit is as big as just not losing your shirt. But is there such a thing as losing your shirt on purpose to prove a point/get a new stadium, knowing how much the citizens love their sports team and don't want them to leave? Does Tigertown, MRX, et al all being grouped into one (I assume it is), fudge that $30M a bit? I know they are a private company and don't need to open their books to us, but they get free rent so perhaps that should change the 'hidden books' situation.

I want the Cats profitable too. You do have to wonder about the 'profitable anywhere' question for sure. Can a new stadium really make that happen, espcially with higher ticket prices for the new stadium, higher parking prices and probably higher concessions too.

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