Comment 55570

By myrcurial (registered) - website | Posted January 11, 2011 at 11:08:58

We don't actually know what we're getting for another 5 minutes or so...


As a resident of the Ivor Wynne neighborhood, I do have a bunch of thoughts to share (in no particular order):

1/ I like to walk to games with the family. I like seeing my neighborhood full of people walking to the games. It's good for community building.

2/ It wouldn't take much input money to make a material difference in the neighborhood, so long as it's done with respect to the nature of the relationship between the street occupants and the businesses -- ie: don't permit another Centre Mall disaster again.

3/ To the people who say there isn't highway access, obviously you're unaware of Burlington Street and it's close companions Cannon/Wilson.

4/ To the people who say it's a crime ridden neighborhood - in the words of Cee Lo Green... Eff You. There was more major crime in our lush Mississauga neighborhood than in our not-as-lush Hamilton neighborhood. And as always, if you choose to live a life of fear, you end up with a life not worth living.

5/ The area can already easily handle the crowds that happen about 15 times a year, and the neighbors are already used to the high-speed aircraft overflights, the bright lights and the noise -- or they haven't moved because they've got a particular fetish for complaining (like many of the commenters in this thread).

6/ I don't see that it's any less community building than the West Harbour site which would make for any number of other uses.

7/ There's room for another GO Station on the line between Aldershot and Niagara which would end up being less than the 2 km walk that was proposed for the Aldershot to Burlington site away from Ivor Wynne.

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