Comment 55929

By realitycheck (anonymous) | Posted January 12, 2011 at 10:34:28

After reviewing all the commetns posted here over the past 24 hours, I can say with quite confidence (and a bit of sadness) that RTH followers have now officially jumped the shark. A movement that once was an admirable effort to promote a stadium solution with an urban focus has devolved into a "screw the Ticats" mob rife with conspiracy theorists.

IWS is not WH, but it is an urban-centric site for a stadium. It is not a exurban/suburban site like Em, Aldershot or the airport sites. It is not threatening to reduce urban parkland like the Confed Park site (allegedly) did. It is a site in the city's urban core. As an urbanist, why is this a bad thing?

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