Comment 57294

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted January 20, 2011 at 22:55:57

Jason said: what? I love overhead wires. Adds a great sense of urbanity to a city. Mind you, these are only single lines, so not as busy as the overheads in Vancouver. How else do you expect the electricity to run to the LRT??

Most people (including me) find the overhead wires ugly. Some cities have gone to great lengths to hide wires. Other cities wish they could/had.

To answer your question though... they seem to do it pretty well in San Francisco ;) (Just teasing)

One example of a set up that doesn't have overhead wires is Bordeaux. Imagine the scenes in this video with poles and wires clogging up the streetscape.

Comment edited by SpaceMonkey on 2011-01-20 22:58:50

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