Comment 5733

By jerry123 (anonymous) | Posted March 05, 2007 at 13:13:25

The problem with implementing a congestion tax in Toronto is that the main traffic congestion isn't going from the suburbs to downtown, but the route from 1 suburb to another. This is a trend which I found when I look at the traffic planning which has taken place over the last 30 years... all improvements concentrated on getting people from the suburbs to downtown and back, but no one bothered to make an effort to have any sort of reliable public transportation that goes from, say Mississauga to North York/Markham. Creating a congestion tax may be good in theory to get funding for public transit, but as you can see, the traffic that goes downtown hasn't increased since the 80s as people have options (ie. subway, go train).. the gridlock exists on 401 east/west. Implementing a tax will only deter businesses from locating in downtown because of the high price of office space and taxes. You want more business parks?

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