Comment 60502

By highwater (registered) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 01:43:19

do you think similar statements would be acceptable if directed toward any other groups within our community?

Not by the majority, but then statements like these aren't accepted by the majority when directed at First Nations, either. As rednic noted, it is common to see equally ugly statements made about recent immigrants and/or Muslims, and articles about St. Leonard's house and area rating have been followed by hateful comments directed against the poor and downtrodden, often broadly defined as anyone living in the lower city.

Recent articles about comments made by a judge in Manitoba and a police officer in Toronto suggesting that women who dress a certain way invite rape, brought out a frightening level approval of the judge and the officer's attitudes. I hadn't heard such appalling statements made about women in decades.

There is a certain element in the fever swamps of the Spec comment sections, that's infected by a fear and loathing of the vulnerable and marginalized. Sometimes it manifests itself in classism, sometimes in sexism, and in today's example, racism.

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