Comment 63595

By JasonAAllen (registered) - website | Posted May 16, 2011 at 22:11:15 in reply to Comment 63580

You are correct, in one way, that Greer has been confirming everything that the Peak Oil movement has been saying for decades - the spearing I refer to is his calling out the people who speak loudly about the perils of peak oil and environmental catastrophe, and then whose lifestyles in no way reflect that reality. People in the peak oil/environmental movement have been blaming 'consumerist culture' as the cause of all of our problems - while for the most part wholeheartedly participating in that culture - which the whole point of my essay was - is kind of an easy mistake to make.

In other words, what I meant by 'dismantling their credibility' was not that he was saying they were wrong, but that they were hypocrites. And yes, there are exceptions to the rule, but there are lots of adherents as well.

Comment edited by JasonAAllen on 2011-05-16 22:14:10

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