Comment 6532

By transit rider (anonymous) | Posted April 30, 2007 at 15:25:13

So because sburbanites prefer SUV's and global warming to progressive transit, The Rest Of Hamilton is stuck shouldering the ever rising fuel costs due to overconsumption of a finite resource which they are using the most, and the constant raise in fares to make sure riding the bus is always considered a "lesser" form of transit only good enough for students, seniors disabled, the poor and the carless (of course to many carless wrongly means poor).

In an age where the only thing governments will do is give a bit of cash credit to bus pass owners and hybrid drivers, I think the very nature of suburban living should feel a greater tax crunch than us poor urban bus riders.

With more hybrid vehicles, if we get (unless we already have) hybrid buses, can I get $2000 for using a hybrid too?

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