Comment 65593

By mdruker (registered) - website | Posted July 05, 2011 at 23:55:38

Waterloo Region staff, with Regional Council support, did the math and figured that if it doesn't build rapid transit to attract and to support central growth, the infrastructure to support extra sprawl would cost the Region far more than it would save in short-term capital costs.

Fortunately for Waterloo Region, its council is composed of mayors and at-large representatives of three cities, plus four township mayors. Several new councillors had not been in favour of LRT, but when faced with the growth projections and the costs of doing nothing or of a short-term solution - they came around to it, both as infrastructure for future generations and for limiting sprawl.

Unfortunately for Hamilton, its council appears to have several vocal members that represent the interests of sprawl instead of the interests of a city as a whole. I mean that in terms of wards, but I do also have to wonder about potential corruption with developers interested in maximizing the value of their farmland speculation.

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