Comment 66076

By Simon (registered) - website | Posted July 12, 2011 at 17:07:30 in reply to Comment 66062

I'm not sure that the usual suspects are to blame.

Certainly greenfield home builders have something to loose - but even they have been shifting towards intensification and would have an opportunity at making more money from intense re-development. The heavy construction industry certainly has a big stake in proceeding with millions of potential new contracts.

This should be a rare opportunity where city building and developers making money come together.

Foxcroft and the transportation industry might have something to loose from disruptions and less money spent on roads - but they also benefit too from less cars on main corridors.

I think the bad guy here might be the Province - reneging on their promises and Council is actively sewing dissent so that when they eventually have to announce there is no funding - the public will already be against LRT and council won't look like they were caught with their pants down...again...

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