Comment 66109

By Synxer (registered) | Posted July 13, 2011 at 11:11:45 in reply to Comment 66054

Great points. I would be willing to contribute $100, as well as help with the campaign in other ways if needed. Check my contact info.

One point I'd like to make about the vision of a campaign such as this. Many grassroots campaigns that have enjoyed success had a certain element that made it stick in people's brain.

For my wife, it's the image of the LRT on our streets. In fact, last week she clicked on the article, "City being ‘backed into a corner’ on LRT: Clark", not because of the article itself, but because of the photo associated with the article.

"That train looks so cool on James St. I can't wait until they build that!", she said.

Then she read the rest of the article[1].

My point here is, the picture of LRT in our city does more for the audience than bulletpoints. The bulletpoints are important, but some won't read those points until they know why they are to read them. Or unless you're listening to a couple of devil's advocates, spewing out dramatic rhetoric on the radio.


Comment edited by Synxer on 2011-07-13 11:14:59

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