Comment 66279

By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted July 16, 2011 at 14:19:10

By "campaign" I was referring to the overaching "business community clamouring for LRT".

As to the signage, I was referring to the mottled rust-on-rust panels atop the Staircase's entranceway. I'm not perturbed by their legibility, but some potential users might be. (By the ame token, I was simply suggesting that lighting the facade might help the building stand out to potential clientele who might not have been already aware of the existence of The Staircase.) I took these to be conscious decisions and had not realized that the city had regulated the level of obscurity.

My deeper point about the business model of the establishment was not intended to be dismissive of the energy, conviction, hard work and boundless love that such an undertaking requires of all with their shoulder to the wheel. It was merely to point out that the politicians who are waffling at the moment are doing so because they view LRT as bringing little in the way of an attendant/reciprocal real estate development boon. They're more likely to be thinking in terms of job growth stats and condo blocks than community theatre and coffee houses.

That's not a vote in favour of one over the other, and I certainly don't begrudge you summer down-time and don't feel it to be an impediment to being able to access the venue's programming. Just an (admittedly ill-esplained) observation.

Enjoy the weekend and have a great summer!

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