Comment 67471

By littleLRTmouse (anonymous) | Posted August 05, 2011 at 11:49:32

Although I do not live in Hamilton,I have to say one thing:I am proud of citizens of Hamilton,who get excited about the LRT in their community. However too much of this excitement is on the side of propaganda and not facts (and questions and answers). So please come to T.O. and investigate for yourself. What do you want your LRT look like? Excellent example is T.O. Harbourfront line. On the east side it runs in a tunnel, which loops under Union stn. On the surface there are two sections - east of Spadina towards Yonge st. and west of S. What do you want? Slightly elevated ROW on the east or separated ROW with curbs on the west. Or do you think Spadina from Front to College will better suit you? Or GOOGLE "Charlotte LRT" and you will see ROW on bridges and ramps and its tunnel in background.
Of course - if you GOOGLE "YOUTUBE EDMONTON LRT" - it is different "ball game" altogether.

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