Comment 72174

By smartHomer (anonymous) | Posted December 12, 2011 at 18:16:59 in reply to Comment 72166

"Never mind witnessing what someone with an IQ of 112 tends to share."---um, 112 is, like, prety good eh, like I bet YOU don't know what IQ stands for, right?? it like means I-t Q-ualifies you for a job bcaus you gotta take the IQ or get it from a doctor or police check, right, or you wont get the job doesnt matter if its a doctor or at mcdonalds. becaus if you dont have the IQ then you can get a shot to make sure you dont catch it right? the guy who does the math on this websight-he van tell us what the avrage IQ on this websight is? and who was IQ anyway, like those are his initails, right? oh and I got my freind to help me figur out what 12 by 3 is so I could put this on your sihgt.

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