Comment 78204

By SpaceMonkey (registered) | Posted June 08, 2012 at 15:49:21 in reply to Comment 78172

Thanks for the additional info Highwater. Maybe you can dig up some dirt on all of these studies:

Forbes, G., 1998 "The author questions whether a clear link can be established between the direction and speed with which traffic is traveling and the level of economic vibrancy downtown. Until that link is clear it is hard to either reject or accept the push to change from one-way to two-way streets as an attempt to revitalize downtowns".

Cameron J. W., Johnson K. D., 1983 After converting two roads from Two Way into a One Way pair, "analysis revealed both a decrease in the number of accidents per million vehicle miles, and a decrease in the percent of severe accidents for the one-way pair. The accident rate on 7th Street decreased from 34.71 to 23.44, and that for 9th Street decreased from 19.83 to 19.46. Over the same period, the accident rates on cross streets decreased but their s accidents increased. The number of pedestrian accidents also decreased after implementation of the one-way system. Overall from a traffic and safety perspective the one-way system brought increased flow at higher speeds with a reduction in both delays and accidents. The project was reported to be favorably accepted by the public from the attitudinal survey, and survey respondents indicated a desire for more one-way street conversions in Bismarck.

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