Comment 80721

By ThisIsOurHamilton (registered) - website | Posted September 07, 2012 at 12:34:10 in reply to Comment 80716

You can't start the conversation with "We're all right and you all need to listen to us" that isn't going to work.

Or as I said in an op-ed, 'Sometimes it's not enough to be right.'

Additionally, I can tell you that amongst the 'general population' know, the ones that most councillors don't want to offend...that the 'conversion' proponents are seen as zealots. And we know what generally happens to zealots. (They don't get their own bobbleheads or cable tv show.)

For me, the truth is that at some point, those of us who want specific change in the city are going to have to take the bull by the horns. And this isn't about being more forceful or getting angrier or hunkering down. Because quite frankly, even though I'm for thoughtful reversion, I can see this going nowhere. That in a decade, it'll still be an issue for some, while others will be shaking their heads at how truculent these people are.

I'm in the process of working on a proposition towards eventually seeing some degree of reversion, and would love to share when it's ready for deconstruction. This can be accomplished...but not by the means that have thus far been attempted.

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