Comment 82483

By kiely (registered) | Posted October 31, 2012 at 13:30:03 in reply to Comment 82472

The foolhardiness of spending what you don’t have still applies to both Ryan. We are broke, we are in debt and have more money going out than coming in, with speculation of balanced budgets still just that, speculation. Currently this country’s only answer to recouping our lost revenue is increasing taxes, on the already over taxed cutting our already overstretched social services and raping our land of all its natural resources as quickly as we can with any method available (fracking, oil sands, etc…). I would like to see some better economic fundamentals in this country, province and city before we continue our spending on the hypothesized “future” while our present decays and crumbles.

If you find no economic wisdom in that, so be it.

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