Comment 84408

By LOL all over again (anonymous) | Posted December 24, 2012 at 12:20:31 in reply to Comment 84378

Toronto has a condo explosion because it single family homes are too expensive and/or to far away from where people work. Toronto is a far cry from Hamilton. Two totally different cities. If you do not know the difference then you should visit Toronto for a while. I used to live there and like so many others before and after me I was just too happy to escape.

Take a look at the sheer volume of commuters trekking into Toronto every day. Who wants to do that every day? Commuters are not doing that because they want to they do it because they have to. People choose to live elsewhere because they cannot afford suitable housing in Toronto. The single biggest demand is for single family homes. Not saying that is where people live just where they want to live.

Sure there are exceptions. Especially 20 somethings who are looking for the drinking partying lifestyle. By the time they mature and settle down their wants change.

Why are more condos being built now compared to 20 years ago? Think maybe because the typical commute has gotten longer and longer and people are just giving up? Even 20 years ago the possibility of having a single family home and commuting to work in Toronto was more realistic then it is today. So many people settle for condos because they just cannot afford a single family home.

Do you see a similar explosion in Hamilton. Yes there are some condos being built here but the market for them is not nearly that of single family homes. I would love to see a comparison of number of units built here.

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