Comment 85491

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted January 24, 2013 at 22:29:32 in reply to Comment 85465

My school was done about 10 years after your posted date. I can't comment on the why, this is pre-amalgamation, although the school boards were harmonized at that time. To tie that in to the anti-urban agenda is laughable.

I don't claim to be all knowing, just providing alternate insight into something. Did you go to high school in Dundas? Did you go to high school in Hamilton? Do you teach, or are related to someone who teaches in the downtown area?

By the way, I live in a building in the core, which almost certainly has asbestos in the walls - it's of the right vintage to have it, and I do have concerns about what it might do to me and my family.

Your faulty analogy that the 'burbs get it better than the central city is a joke. Any school made from, let's say, the 1920s to about the 1970s would have asbestos. It's more a matter of how it's been maintained. In our school it was triggered (if memory serves) because tiles started becoming unglued in the hall ceilings and falling down, which was stirring up the asbestos. A lot of the city's old schools have been neglected - there's several in Dundas, Westdale, and Ancaster that are the same as those in the core.

It's not all a conspiracy to see the downtown area fail while the burbs sit back and laugh.

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