Comment 94462

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted November 07, 2013 at 11:11:08

I witnessed the collision that killed Zoe. I was in the middle of a sentence telling my friend about the right hooks and other dangers I had to evade on my bike that week. I have fought back tears, anger, frustration, just about every emotion that occurs when a severe injustice occurs. We lost a healthy, beautiful, intelligent citizen, in the prime of her life, so that some drunk can get a month of alternate weekends in jail, some community service, then get back behind the wheel and kill someone else. I too have literally lost sleep thinking about this. Frustrated by the negligence that makes streets and intersections more dangerous than they need to be. The culture of worshiping motoring above all else.

I bike around that corner as well; vehicles almost hit me as they round the corner. The sinking sewer grates and holes in the pavement, and restricted driver visibility, make safely cycling around that bend difficult. Crossing the street? Look both ways, then RUN when you have a second.

Where the trail crosses the street - good place for one of those MacMaster style fluorescent crossing signs. With pavement that is raised and a different color. Bollards protecting the outside of the curve - this would have saved Zoe's life! Drunko would have hit the bollards after overshooting the corner, instead of mounting the curb and hitting her. Simple, inexpensive, life saving.

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2013-11-07 11:32:07

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