Comment 94549

By Kevin Love (anonymous) | Posted November 08, 2013 at 14:24:10

I used to go through that intersection twice a day, every day, to and from work. I live in the Durand neighbourhood, near St. Joseph’s Hospital and work in East Hamilton. The Rail-Trail from Corktown Park to Wentworth Street was a convenient part of my route.

But no longer. Why?

Two reasons. The first is the insane crossing to make a left turn from the Rail-Trail onto Wentworth. Very dangerous.

The second reason is the poor maintenance of the Rail-Trail. Vegetation has heavily overgrown the Rail-Trail. Specifically bushes and small trees have grown in from the sides and extended their branches across the trail. This reduces the volume of traffic that can use the Rail-Trail. It also creates extremely dangerous situations where people have to make sudden swerves because they were not anticipating a branch across their face. What a formula for a crash!

Going home from work after the clocks changed last weekend, I would be travelling in darkness if I used the Rail-Trail since there is no street lighting on this road. Scary!

So I do not use this route anymore. I am looking forward to the new protected lanes on Cannon. Until then, my own risk assessment is that I am better off taking the lane and exercising lane control on Barton. Decidedly third-class, but currently the least lousy route.

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