Comment 94603

By Kevin Love (anonymous) | Posted November 10, 2013 at 07:35:55 in reply to Comment 94565

Mike, that stretch of the Rail-Trail from Corktown Park to Wentworth Street is fully paved. I would certainly agree with you that more should be!

My issue is with the lack of maintenance that makes up to half of the road unusable due to encroaching vegetation. This poses a serious crash risk, particularly when oncoming traffic sees the branch at the last minute and swerves to avoid it.

On my morning commute, there is very heavy traffic of children going in to school, many of whom are pedestrians. This heavy traffic volume forces me to go quite slowly. That piece of road has probably the third highest traffic volume of car-free road in Hamilton. Only the Lakeshore Trail and Rail-Trail between Studholme and Leland have higher traffic volumes.

And yet the maintenance is much worse!

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