Comment 94807

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted November 16, 2013 at 10:22:27 in reply to Comment 94772

Speaking of missed opportunities...a westbound bike lane on York in front of Sir John A to Caroline St. would have been a nice connection from the bike lane that ends at Bay St. when trying to go West from James N. A quick survey of options 1) go south on Park or MacNab - can't do that because someone built a mall that permanently blocks them;) 2) take James to King W - can't because bikes are effectively banned by city hall 3) Go towards Durand and take Aberdeen west- not even car drivers would contemplate this detour 4) take waterfront trail - ok, but sometimes cold and deserted. The only safe option is to take the sidewalk in front of Sir John A., and get to Caroline where one can take side streets to get to Dundurn. This is a ridiculous situation.

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