Comment 95922

By Bill (registered) | Posted December 13, 2013 at 03:00:23

Shawn, Thank you very much for taking time and effort to bring such rigor and clarity to the otherwise muddled public conversations surrounding the so called West Harbour waterfront development.

It is so easy to draw up seductive mega-plans and rendering on computers, without having to factor the multiple layers of reality underneath, or the land's historical and geographical context. It is such simplistic visions that end up misdirecting public conversations in our city.

The meter thick new addition of questionable fill on top of the preexisting contamination underneath, (which may be already flowing towards the lake), is very disturbing news. These lands have become a showcase for our city's total lack of planning vision and competence in property development.

Given the city's move to continue adding questionable new fill, it appears that these lands are destined to end up with some extra-large, stucco faced commercial box stores, built on large concrete pads, connected with asphalt roads and parking as seen at the New Centre Mall. And Hamilton may end up getting international fame for giving an entirely new meaning to 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' as the city tries to humanize such toxic developments with quaint patio restaurants, like the ones on Upper James and on East Mountain.

Hopefully those hyping the waterfront development slow down to grasp the complexities you have presented here.

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