Comment 97885

By krist (registered) - website | Posted February 24, 2014 at 20:46:12

One of the predominate ideologies that Liberal minded folk have had is that policy needs to be grounded in evidence. Decisions need to be well informed if they are to benefit present and future needs of the constituents that they were designed for. Who did Luksic and Mizra turn to for evidence? "Many Hamilton Councilors". How many of these Councilors will still hold seats come October? It would be nice if they were a little more transparent on that point.

It will be interesting to hear what Hamilton Centre's Provincial Liberal candidate has to say on the subject. Donna Tiqui-Shebib is hosting a Pub Night at Slainte's tomorrow night. If your interested you should pop by and see what she has to say about LRT's potential downtown.

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