
Four Hamilton Fires in One Night

By RTH Staff
Published March 25, 2011

Hamilton Emergency Services issued a news release this morning detailing four fires that happened overnight, all of which EMS described as "preventable".

The night started at 10:00 PM with a minor grease fire in the kitchen of an apartment at 172 Bay Street South. Firefighters doused the fire and installed a smoke detector, as the unit in the apartment was not working. Damage from the fire was estimated at around $500.

An hour later, EMS responded to an advanced fire on the second floor at 154 Grosvenor Avenue North in the bedroom area. The occupants had left the house safely, but damage was estimated at $150,000. Firefighters determined that the fire was caused by "careless use of smokers materials".

Two hours after that, a ground floor apartment fire at 2641 King Street East caused an estimated $210,000 of damage. The tenant escaped the fire but left the apartment door open, allowing heavy smoke to pour into the rest of the building. The Fire Marshall's Office is investigating the cause of the fire, but improper candle use is suspected.

Finally, at 2:09 AM, a fourth fire was reported in the single family home at 133 Erie Avenue. The occupants escaped the fire, but there were no smoke alarms installed in the building. Firefighters determined that the fire was caused by a space heater in a second floor bedroom coming into contact with bedding. Damage was estimated at $150,000.

The statement from EMS concludes, "In each of these fires, the causes were preventable and in fact they represent the leading causes of fires in the City Of Hamilton." EMS encourage Hamiltonians to get educated on fire prevention by visiting one of the city's four fire stations or contacting the Fire Prevention Division at 905-546-2424 x1380. The EMS website also has some resources.


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By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted March 25, 2011 at 10:55:23

Check your smoke detectors, folks.

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By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted March 25, 2011 at 12:32:30

Soy Loco Por Los Cornballs!

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By urnanization (anonymous) | Posted March 25, 2011 at 12:42:23

Shhhh...the suburbs may notice and refuse to do away with area rating of fire services. Let's get them to pay for our fire traps!!!

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By Ancopa (registered) | Posted March 25, 2011 at 17:02:39

EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. Not sure why they are mentioned so often in this story. They're the ones that respond to medical emergencies, not fires.

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By George (registered) | Posted March 26, 2011 at 13:07:19 in reply to Comment 61547


Hamilton Emergency Services is comprised of FIRE and EMS (ambulance & paramedics)

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By jdp (anonymous) | Posted March 26, 2011 at 17:47:08

The cause of the fire on King St E was that the tennant was drunk, fell asleep while smoking a cigarette, as well as having candles burning.

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By Steve (registered) | Posted March 27, 2011 at 14:50:06

@Fred Street. Love the AD reference, lol.

Well I guess we can take solice in knowing they weren't arsons. A couple of years ago the centre - east city had a firebug running around.

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By Woody10 (registered) | Posted April 02, 2011 at 01:30:40

There are many fires in the city that go unreported. 2 other small ones that same night. And there are a lot more than four fire stations in this city, not including the part time stations!!

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